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Eleven Point National Wild And Scenic River

The Eleven Point National Wild and Scenic River was established in 1968 as a 44-mile scenic river, free of impoundments with a largely undeveloped shoreline and watershed. This portion of the river between Thomasville, Missouri and the Highway 142 bridge is near Gatewood, Missouri. It became one of the 8 initial units of the National Wild and Scenic River system in 1968.

The Eleven Point National Wild and Scenic River meanders through the picturesque Ozark hills of southern Missouri. Its course is cut in the shadows of steep bluffs, through sloping forested valleys, and low-lying riparian ecosystems. Barely more than a small stream at its upper reaches near Thomasville, it gains considerable width and depth as its proceeds south-eastward.

Springs pouring from dolomite bluffs or rushing up from a vast network of underground flow systems provide a continuous source of water and beauty. Alternating stretches of rapids and deep clear pools wind around moss covered boulders and shading bottomland hardwood trees.

Greer Spring is the world's 10th biggest spring and doubles the size of the river while turning it into a cold water fishery.

Access to the River: There are currently eleven designated access points to the river by vehicle. Of these access points, 7 sites have amenities. The remaining 4 access sites have no amenities. In addition, there are 7 float camps designated on the river to provide overnight camping for river users, most of these are only accessible by boat.

Boating on the River: The river has been designated for both motorized and non-motorized use. The motorized users must adhere to a 25 horsepower limit.

Fishing: There are opportunities aplenty for small mouth bass and pan fish. Special regulations apply. Visit the Missouri Department of Conservation website for more information. Trout fishing starts at the confluence of the Greer spring branch and the river. This is the beginning of the blue ribbon trout section which extends about 6 miles to Turner Mill spring. More detailed information is available below under Fishing.

For Steam Flow and Flooding forecast.

A printable Brochure is available.


Map of the Eleven Point River
