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Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental


Webb Mountain Lookout is perched at 5,988 feet atop its namesake mountain in Kootenai National Forest. The lookout was built in 1959 and used as an observation point for fighting forest fires for over 40 years. The structure rests on a concrete block basement and encompasses 196 square feet.

The lookout is accessible by car and the roads are well maintained; however, the last quarter mile of the access road is steep and rocky and not suited for low clearance vehicles. This rustic cabin offers a few amenities, but guests should be prepared to pack in most of their own supplies and gear.


The lookout is located in the Koocanusa Area, which offers a variety of recreational opportunities. Koocanusa Reservoir is the major recreation attraction in this geographic area, providing ideal settings for large watercraft and sailing.

The reservoir contains a large and stable population of Kookanee salmon, rainbow trout, bull trout, West slope cutthroat trout and burbot. Big game hunting is also possible around the reservoir.

The Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail is accessible from Webb Mountain. It descends the mountain and crosses Lake Koocanusa Bridge, meandering along the east side of the Koocanusa Reservoir.


The lookout is located in the Koocanusa Area, which offers a variety of recreational opportunities. Koocanusa Reservoir is the major recreation attraction in this geographic area, providing ideal settings for large watercraft and sailing.

The reservoir contains a large and stable population of Kookanee salmon, rainbow trout, bull trout, West slope cutthroat trout and burbot. Big game hunting is also possible around the reservoir.

The Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail is accessible from Webb Mountain. It descends the mountain and crosses Lake Koocanusa Bridge, meandering along the east side of the Koocanusa Reservoir.

Natural Features

This lookout has many nice locations to enjoy the awe-inspiring scenery, which includes views of Koocanusa Reservoir and Mount Henry. Mountain peaks stretch out as far as the eye can see, and the surrounding area is covered in mixed evergreen forest. From this altitude, guests can enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets and starry skies at night.

Kootenai National Forest supports populations of deer, elk, moose, grizzly and black bears, wolves and mountain lions (bear safety). A variety of smaller mammals and birds can also be found.



Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental