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Mount Rynda Cabin


Mount Rynda Cabin is located on Andrews Creek near its confluence with the Stikine River. It is located within the Stikine-LeConte Wilderness and is popular for fishing and paddling. The site can be accessed by float plane or shallow draft boat, depending on conditions. A tide of 14 feet or higher is required to cross the Stikine River tide flats. Guests are responsible for their own travel arrangements and safety, and must bring several of their own amenities.


Two miles of slow-moving, clear water near the cabin provide ideal opportunities for canoeing or kayaking up Andrews Creek at river stages over 14 feet. The cabin is often used by paddlers on multi-day float trips of the Stikine River from Telegraph Creek, BC, or the US/Cananda border to the town of Wrangell. Tide charts should be consulted before undertaking any Stikine River expedition. There are excellent fishing opportunities in Andrews Creek for cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden, and king, pink and silver salmon. The area is also popular for bear and moose hunting.


Two miles of slow-moving, clear water near the cabin provide ideal opportunities for canoeing or kayaking up Andrews Creek at river stages over 14 feet. The cabin is often used by paddlers on multi-day float trips of the Stikine River from Telegraph Creek, BC, or the US/Cananda border to the town of Wrangell. Tide charts should be consulted before undertaking any Stikine River expedition. There are excellent fishing opportunities in Andrews Creek for cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden, and king, pink and silver salmon. The area is also popular for bear and moose hunting.

Natural Features

The cabin sits on moderately steep land on the riverbank at the base of Mount Rynda. It overlooks the confluence of Andrew Creek and Andrew Slough and is tucked into a forest of primarily Sitka spruce and western hemlock. Gentle to moderate mountain slopes surround the area. Brown and black bears, moose, harbor seals, gulls and bald eagles are frequently seen around the cabin ( bear safety information ). The Stikine River serves as a travel corridor for birds between the interior forests and the coast and attracts a variety of migratory songbirds.



Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin Mount Rynda Cabin