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Indian Flats Cabin


Indian Flats Cabin is nestled in a hollow of old-growth trees in the shadow of Hogback Mountain, offering a remote lodging experience in the Big Belt Mountains in west-central Montana.

The present Indian Flats Guard Station started its days as the Conway Station on Rock Creek in the Jim Ball Basin. The cabin was constructed in 1944 and replaced the original Conway Station. Rangers used this cabin when fulfilling duties in the area. In 1969, the cabin was relocated to its present location below Indian Flats.

During the summer and fall months, the cabin is typically accessible by car. During the winter months, poor road conditions and heavy amounts of snow can be present. Access to the cabin during snow conditions is via an 8-mile stretch of road passable by snowmobiling, snowshoeing or skiing. Guests should be prepared to pack in many of their own supplies.


Plenty of opportunities are available for hiking, mountain biking and wildlife viewing near Indian Flats Cabin.

A hike through nearby Refrigerator Canyon passes through a 10-foot wide, 200-foot high canyon that was carved through limestone rock by a small mountain stream. The canyon is appropriately named, as breezes blowing over the stream and through the canyon's rock walls cause evaporative cooling, creating temperatures 20 degrees cooler than surrounding areas.

An active fire lookout sits at the top of Hogback Mountain near the cabin. The Lookout is accessible by passenger vehicle and is manned by Forest Service personnel from mid-June through September. A short walk from the lookout offers spectacular panoramic views into Beaver Creek Canyon and surrounding landscapes.


Plenty of opportunities are available for hiking, mountain biking and wildlife viewing near Indian Flats Cabin.

A hike through nearby Refrigerator Canyon passes through a 10-foot wide, 200-foot high canyon that was carved through limestone rock by a small mountain stream. The canyon is appropriately named, as breezes blowing over the stream and through the canyon's rock walls cause evaporative cooling, creating temperatures 20 degrees cooler than surrounding areas.

An active fire lookout sits at the top of Hogback Mountain near the cabin. The Lookout is accessible by passenger vehicle and is manned by Forest Service personnel from mid-June through September. A short walk from the lookout offers spectacular panoramic views into Beaver Creek Canyon and surrounding landscapes.

Natural Features

Indian Flats Cabin is backed by mixed conifer forest, and a small stream flows in front of it. Hogback Mountain is located within a mile of the cabin at an elevation of 7,813 feet.

The area around the cabin offers a variety of landscapes, from river banks to subalpine terrain. Valley bottoms, dense forests, meadows and barren ridges are mixed with streams, rivers and lakes.

Wildlife in the area abounds. Elk, deer, squirrels and a variety of birds are commonly seen. The more elusive badger, wolverine, mountain lion and lynx find habitat in nearby areas as well.

Nearby Attractions

The Gates of the Mountains Wilderness and the Missouri River are a short drive from the cabin, offering chances to explore.



Indian Flats Cabin Indian Flats Cabin Indian Flats Cabin Indian Flats Cabin Indian Flats Cabin