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Honeycomb Buttes Wsa

The Honeycomb Buttes WSA encompasses 39,908 acres of BLM-administered land, 640 acres of split estate and 640 acres of state land. This WSA is one of the best examples of badlands topography in Wyoming with its many colored bluffs, small draws and side canyons. Twisted and contorted erosional features dominate the landscape. The buttes are scattered with petrified wood and fossilized turtle shell. The Honeycomb Buttes WSA provides outstanding opportunities for various kinds of primitive and unconfined recreation. These opportunities include rockhounding, nontechnical climbing on the clay and rocky buttes, spelunking in the many erosion caves found in the buttes, and wildlife and outdoor photography. Opportunities also exist for backpacking, hunting and horseback riding. The remarkable scenic quality of this WSA greatly enhances the recreational values. This is a fee-free area. The boundary roads are accessible in most locations.
