Heyburn Park
Heyburn Park features 47 campsites, a 2 lane boat ramp, courtesy dock, playground, 2 restroom/shower facilities, 2 group shelters, and a large swim beach with picnic tables.
Boating, water skiing and fishing are all popular activities on Heyburn Lake. Common catches include crappie, bass and catfish.During hunting season, project lands provide opportunities for waterfowl and whitetail deer. Heyburn Public Hunting Area covers more than 6,000 acres of project lands and provides hunting opportunities for squirrel, rabbit, quail, waterfowl and wild turkey.
Boating, water skiing and fishing are all popular activities on Heyburn Lake. Common catches include crappie, bass and catfish.During hunting season, project lands provide opportunities for waterfowl and whitetail deer. Heyburn Public Hunting Area covers more than 6,000 acres of project lands and provides hunting opportunities for squirrel, rabbit, quail, waterfowl and wild turkey.
Natural Features
Heyburn lies in a picturesque setting of grasslands and gently sloping, sandstone hills covered with oak trees and scattered with hickory, ash, elm and cottonwood.In the spring, flowering wild plum and redbud trees add color to the soft, green landscape.
Between 04/01/2024 and 10/31/2024 this location is staffed. Please call (918) 247-6601 to speak with local staff. From 11/01/2024 to 04/02/2025 this location is unstaffed. Please call (918) 247-6391 for general information.Nearby Attractions
Visitors can explore the various parks of Heyburn Lake including Sunset Bay, Overlook and Sheppard Point. Keystone Lake lies about 25 miles to the north and Tulsa is less than 30 miles northeast.Activities
- Swimming Site
- Day Use Area
- Camping
- Birding
- Fishing
- Kayaking
- Motor Boat
- Paddle Boating
- Paddling
- Photography
- Water Access
- Water Skiing