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Granite Basin Recreation Area

Nestled among pines and boulders of Prescott's iconic Granite Mountain, Granite Basin Recreation Area offers a variety of recreational opportunities year-round including: hiking, backpacking, horse riding, non-motorized boating, rock climbing, fishing, camping, and picnicking. Scroll down (below the recreation map) to learn more about the excellent recreational opportunities in Granite Basin. 


Granite Basin Recreation Area Brochure  (1.54 MB)


Note: Some sites in this recreation area may close to prevent resource damage following especially heavy snow and when the roads are too icy.  If you plan to visit and want to make sure it is open, please contact the Bradshaw Ranger Station: 928-443-8000.


Notice: Visitors are asked to be alert and stay on existing trails when recreating on Granite Mountain as the area recovers from the Doce Fire of 2013. Soil erosion has occurred on portions of the trails, thus exposing more rock, and cross-country travel increases the possibility of encountering rolling rocks, stump and root holes, falling trees, and loose soils from rains.  
